19 Rue Jacobi-Netter, 67200 Strasbourg18 Blvd Babin Chevaye, 44200 Nantes

CVE Aunis Sud

Kneeling (17)

260 Nm³/h

Commissioning: End of 2025

✓ Biowaste ✓ Livestock effluent ✓ CIVE

✓ 2 moving floor hoppers ✓ Hammer mill ✓ Resin tank ✓ 3 17.5 m³ hygiene tanks with heat recovery ✓ Grinding system ✓ Inclined lateral stirring ✓ External heat exchanger and coils ✓ Eccentric rotor pump

✓ Engineering ✓ Design ✓ Construction ✓ Commissioning

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